Ask Lock And Key

Welcome to Lock and Key's advice column! You can email us at our Gmail or just fill out the contact form, getting a chance to have your question answered and featured in our blog! 

10/25/20 was the final lock and key entry. I hope you all enjoyed reading our blog, and it was such a great experience to write it! 

-B and A


So I'm in a group with these really smart people, much smarter than me. So I feel left out, or that they aren't listening to me. Maybe they think that since I'm not as smart as them, I won't make the good decisions. But I feel that I deserve a say in this.

-Am I not smart enough?

Dear Smart,

Everyone is smart enough, but you have to believe that yourself. Express yourself more in the group, and they will realize you can contribute really well too. People have strengths in all different areas. The people in your group aren't smarter than you, and they shouldn't make others feel that way either. If they can't realize this, then they are missing out on some amazing ideas. Let them know that you have a voice, and you can use it.



Dear Lock and Key, 

Everyone thinks of me as a little kid, so nobody takes me seriously. Aren't I allowed to have an opinion or at least contribute in some way? I'm eleven years old! Do you have a way to get people to listen to me? 

-Feeling Unheard

Dear Unheard, 

Everyone wants people to hear them out and make them feel like they are part of the discussion, but adults don't always do that. If you want to solve that problem, you need to make your opinion worth listening to. They might not acknowledge you at first, but don't get frustrated. All you have to do is act mature and grown up, give thoughts that they will have to agree to. Once they trust you to be an equal contributor, you'll see that they'll ask you to share your ideas much more often.



Dear Lock and Key, 

I have a reputation of being a tattletale. I'm not exactly sure why. If someone copies someone's worksheet without them knowing, shouldn't I tell the teacher about it? It's only going to help the kid in the long run. But people still think I tell on everyone. I'm not sure how to change this. 

-Should I Not Tell?

Dear Tell, 

Based on what you described, it doesn't seem like you're a tattletale. You're just sticking up for what's right. If someone copied someone else's test without them knowing, I say absolutely tell the teacher. I don't think you're a tattletale, I think you are respectable, and you should let everyone else know that, too. 



Dear Lock and Key,

I need a quick answer. I am going to school in person now, and I can't get my locker to open! I know everyone says just practice it a few times, but I really need a way to remember my locker combination easily, in case I forget and get late to class.

-Bad Luck With Lockers

Dear Luck, 

I am going to school virtually, so I don't have a locker. But if I were to go to school, I would love to paint my locker combination on my nails. That way, it's always with me. I suggest putting your locker combo in a place you always look, like inside of a folder in your backpack, on a school supply you always use, or put as nail polish on your hand, like I would have liked to do. You'll see your locker combo numbers so many times throughout the day, you're bound to memorize them!



Dear Lock and Key, 

I have to share my bedroom with my little sister. It is kind of annoying. There are no extra rooms in the house, but I want a place of my own for once. Let me know if you have any ideas. 

-I Need My Own Bedroom

Dear Bedroom, 

 If I was in that situation, I would say rearrange your bedroom and make one side hers and the other side yours. That way, you can both customize your side of the room the way you want it. You can draw an imaginary line in the middle of your bedroom so you have more space. After you have your separate spaces, sharing a room may turn out to be way more fun than you think. 



Dear Lock and Key, 

My friends never take my side. If I am ever in an argument or I need some help making a point, they never agree with me in front of other people. Now, I know it's their opinion, but aren't friends supposed to help each other out? 

-My Side

Dear Side, 

Your family, relatives, and friends, are all supposed to take your side. But you can't force them to. A good friend would stick with you. Are your friends worth it? Now, if they only disagreed with you once or twice, it's okay. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. But if they never take your side, ask them about it. If there is a reason, try to find a way to resolve that. If you ask them and they don't have good answers, maybe you'll learn who is your friend and who isn't. 



Dear Lock and Key,

I am short for my age. That's why a lot of people call me 'small' I don't think they mean it to be rude. But I don't like it. I want to stand up for myself, but I'm afraid I'll hurt their feelings. What should I do?


Dear Not-so-small,

I am also not great with my height, so I can understand what you mean. I think that you should stand up for yourself, don't be afraid. But remember to tell them to stop in a kind way first. If they don't mean to be rude, they will stop. I suggest if they don't stop, don't back down. No one can mess with you if you don't let them.



Dear Lock and Key, 

I got a bad grade on one assignment in school, though I usually do super well in all of my classes. Some people say email my teacher and ask about it, but I'm not sure I want to do that. What do you think I should do? 

-Just One Bad Grade

Dear Grade, 

I've been there. I say- it's not a big deal. You can always get your grades up again if you have just one bad grade. The overall average score won't be too affected. However, if you really didn't understand it, ask a parent or watch an online video explaining that concept. You don't have to email your teacher just yet. 



Dear Lock and Key,

What do I do if I have a friend who always copies my answers on a test or worksheet? 

-Always Copied

Dear Copied, 

Your friend is dragging you into trouble here. If she/he get's caught, you will get in trouble, too. And if this keeps up, there is higher chances a teacher is going to find out. My advice? Tell your friend that it is not cool for them to copy your work, and offer to help them if they don't understand something. Of course, they may not like that. But, if you don't tell them now, it's going to be a way worse conversation when someone in school catches you later. 



Dear Lock and Key,

My parents always want me to be perfect. They say I have to get the perfect grades and get perfect scores in my extra curricular activities. They want me to be just like them, but that's not me. I'm not sure what I can do about it.

- Always Has To Be Perfect

Dear Perfect,

You should be whoever you want to be. It shouldn't matter what your parents think of it. Do exactly what you want to do. You don't need to excel at everything you try, just find something you are good at and do it 100 percent. Explain to your parents who you want to be. While your at it, I think you should watch the movie Descendants. It's a fun movie and I'm sure you will be able to relate. 



Dear Lock and Key,

One of my friends told me that another one of my friends was mean. When I asked the "mean friend" about her accusation, she gave me a reasonable explanation. Even though I told my other friend this, she still thinks that my other friend is mean. What should I do?

- Peacemaker

Dear Peacemaker,

I think that you should have your two friends talk to each other. Maybe, if they personally see the other person's side of the story, they can believe each other. This might help them get along better- and understand each other's feelings and personality. But, if they still can't get along, it might be best to hang out with them separately. Not everyone can get along, but it's worth trying!



Dear Lock and Key, 

I know this is not that big of a problem, but I get so bored everyday. School is too boring, and once its done, I can finish my homework super quick. I am not sure what to do with all that free time. Got any ideas?

- Always Bored

Dear Bored, 

I suggest finding a new hobby. There are tons of things you can do, from art, to sports, to just reading. What interests you? Is there anything new you would like to try? Right now, during quarantine, it's the best time to find a new hobby. As for school, maybe try to challenge yourself more or give yourself harder assignments. I suggest searching something up on Google, like, "what to do when you're bored." I assure you, there are hundreds of websites out there with tons of things to try.



Dear Lock and Key, 

I just moved into a new neighborhood, and all of the kids there always hang out in groups. I'm usually good at making friends but in this neighborhood, it's like everyone is already best friends with everyone, and there is no space for anyone new. What do you think I should do?

- The New Kid

Dear New, 

Why don't you just start with saying hi? From there, see how the conversation goes. Even if it seems like there is different groups, that may not necessarily be a bad thing. You can find the people who would best fit your personality. You'd be surprised how much fun you could have been having if you had talked to the people in your neighborhood sooner.



Dear Lock and Key, 

My parents always make me do SO much work around the house. I have to clean my room, do my own laundry, wash my own dishes, etc. While all my friends are having fun, I have to sit at home and study. What should I do? 

- Stuck at Home

Dear Stuck, 

Trust me, I get it, but sometimes its best to learn to do your own work. I think your parents are right. You can always have fun after you finish everything you are supposed to do. Then, you'll have earned it. Besides, the extra studying will come in handy in the future. 



Dear Lock and Key, 

My best friend won't talk to me anymore. I don't even know why she's mad. What do I do now?

- I don't know why

Dear Why, 

Maybe it might be a misunderstanding- you don't know why she's mad, and maybe she doesn't know why your mad. Try to recount what you may have told her recently. If it's not a misunderstanding, listen and understand what she has to say. You'll be friends again in no time.



Dear Lock and Key,

I am currently doing remote learning and I need a new desk because my dad wants his desk back. But, there isn't enough variety in the stores right now. Should I just wait so I can get the desk I like, or should I get one right now and make my dad happy? 

- Desk-Less Person

Dear Desk-Less,

Maybe you should come to a compromise. Is there somewhere else you can work in the house, like the dining table? If there isn't, try and set up your own workspace in your room. Getting a desk that is not right for you isn't worth the money. 

- A


Dear Lock and Key, 

My parents are making me do middle school sports, even if I don't want to. What am I supposed to do? 

-Not a Sports Person

Dear Sports, 

I think that you should talk it out with your parents- they might listen to you! Explain to them how you feel about sports, and what things you would rather do instead. They may be upset at first, but when they see you doing what you really want to do, it will all be worth it! 

- B

Lock And Key

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